Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


At Woodlab Poland we are committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of our visitors to our website and subscribers to our newsletter. Here you’ll find information on how we treat data that we collect from visitors to our website, or when someone subscribes to our newsletter or use the contact form. The privacy policy also contains information about the rights that you have in connection with the processing of data. When someone visits we use a third party service, Google Analytics, to collect standard internet log information and details of visitor behaviour patterns. We do this to find out things such as the number of visitors to the various parts of the site. This information is only processed in a way which does not identify anyone. We do not make, and do not allow Google to make, any attempt to find out the identities of those visiting our website. You can find more information on how cookies are used on this website in the Cookies Policy below.

We collect name. email, phone and company information through our website, via contact forms. All our contact forms or email sign-up will have a clear user opt-in so you know exactly what you are signing up for.

Your data is kept for a limited amount of time while we process your request or having direct communication with the customer. After a short period all data will be deleted. We do not share or use this information for marketing purposes. You can request deletion of your data anytime by contacting

Administrator – WOODLAB POLAND spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, based at, ul. Rotmistrza Witolda Pileckiego 26, 62-400 Słupca entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs under REGON number 362727240 and TVA number 7722406703. Contact details: tel. +48 721 428 322, e-mail:

User – any person using the Website, Contact Form or Newsletter;

Website – internet domain, under the administration of Woodlab Poland sp. z o.o.

Contact Form – a service provided electronically, available on the Website (in the “Contact” tab), the subject of which is to enable the User to send a message to the Administrator;

GDPR– Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (general regulation on data protection).


  1. Legal basis for the processing of personal data

The User’s personal data is processed by the Administrator in order to provide the Contact Form and subscribing to the newsletter services. Providing data is voluntary, but necessary to use the above services.

Personal data are processed on the basis of the consent expressed by the User (in accordance with Article 6 paragraph 1 point b) OF THE REDO) in order to implement the legitimate interests of the Administrator (in accordance with 6 (1) (f) OF THE GDPR) and in cases in which the law allows the administrator to process personal data.

  1. The period of personal data processing

The User’s personal data will be processed for the period necessary to implement the indicated purposes of processing; however, no longer than until withdrawal of consent or expressing objection to their processing.

  1. Recipients of data

In the purpose of processing personal data of the User may be sharing personal data with other recipients or categories of recipients. Recipients of the above data may be processing entities that perform processing activities on behalf of the Administrator on the basis of a contract for entrusting the processing of personal data.

  1. Rights of data subjects

The administrator limits the collection and use of information about Users to the minimum necessary, required to provide their services at the desired level.

The Administrator applies technical and organizational measures ensuring respect for privacy and protection of Users’ personal data.

The user whose personal data refers to is entitled to:

1) Demand from the Administrator

information about the processing of personal data, i.e. confirmation of whether personal data of the person to whom they are related are processed. If personal data are processed, they are entitled to access to them, obtain copies of them and to obtain the following information: about the purposes of processing, categories of personal data, information about recipients or categories of recipients to whom the data was or will be disclosed, the storage period data about the criteria for determining them, about the rights of the individual related to the processing of his personal data, about the possibility of lodging a complaint to the supervisory authority, about the source of personal data, if they were not obtained directly from the data subject and about profiling and automated processing of decisions (the so-called right of access, article 15 of the GDPR;

2) Correct personal information about this person. If the person receives information that his personal data processed by the Administrator are incorrect, outdated or incomplete, he has the right to demand their immediate rectification or supplementation (the so-called right to rectification, Article 16 of the GDPR);

3) Demand to delete your personal data, but if the person has consented to the processing of personal data, the removal request will have the same effect as withdrawal of consent (the so-called right to forget, article 17 of the GDPR);

4) Require restricting the processing of personal data (the so-called right to limit processing, article 18 of the GDPR), i.e. demand that processing be stopped except for storage, in situations where:

  1. The data subject questions the correctness of personal data – for the period in which the Administrator will verify their correctness;
  2. The data subject questions the lawfulness of the processing of personal data by the Service Provider;
  3. The service provider no longer needs this data, but it is needed by the data subject to determine, assert or defend his claims;
  4. The data subject has objected to the processing – pending the decision of the Administrator regarding the validity of the objection;

5) Oppose the processing of its personal data for the Service Provider’s legitimate purposes;

6) Transfer your personal data, i.e. receive in a structured, commonly used machine-readable format, personal data provided to the Administrator, if their processing is based on consent, or request that data be sent to another person designated by the person whose data refer to the administrator (so-called data portability, Article 20 of the GDPR).

To use the above the rights of the data subject should send an e-mail to the contact details provided at the beginning of the Privacy Policy, in which he will indicate which law he wants to use, to what extent and how. Please provide your contact details that will allow you to quickly establish contact at the implementation stage of the requesting person, in particular when there is a need to ascertain the identity of the applicant or to know which law or to what extent the person wants to use (ideally to make it a phone number, but it’s not obligatory)

  1. Possibility of withdrawing consent

In cases where the processing of User’s data takes place on the basis of granted consent, the User has the right to withdraw this consent at any time, without affecting the legality of the processing, which was made on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.

In situations where your data was processed on the basis of consent, the withdrawal of the consent prevents further use of the services offered by the Administrator (ie the Contact Form and the Application Form).

  1. Data processing outside the EU

The Administrator declares that he will not transfer entrusted personal data outside the European Union, unless he obtains the written consent of the data subject in advance and ensures that all duties resulting from the ROPE are met in the field of transfer of personal data to third countries.

  1. The right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory body

If the data processing by the Administrator occurred in violation of the applicable provisions of law, the User has the possibility to file a complaint to the President of the Office for the Protection of Personal Data.

  1. Cookie policy

Cookies are files saved on the device (computer, smartphone, tablet), on which an Internet browser is installed, by means of which the user browses websites.

In order to improve the functionality of the Website, the Administrator declares that he uses several types of cookies:

  • cookies necessary for the website to function properly. Some cookies are necessary to provide the User with the ability to make full use of the site and the features it offers. For example, if the User wants to compare the parameters of two products, the Administrator uses cookies to remember the product being compared. During this time, the User may find on the site the second of the products to be compared;
  • cookies verifying the visit – cookie files that remember the User’s visits to the Website, subpages and links in which the User clicked. They enable personalization of specific content and customization to individual preferences of Users.
  • Cookies used by the Administrator do not store any personal data of the User. The User’s identity is not disclosed by means of cookies.


Information collected by the Administrator will not be made available to entities or persons other than those authorized under the provisions of generally applicable law and authorized to administer the Websites.

In any event, the User may block the installation of cookies or delete permanent cookies using the appropriate browser options. In case of problems, it is recommended to use the browser’s help file or contact the browser manufacturer.

Each User who does not agree to the use of cookies is obliged to modify the settings of the web browser. The configuration of the User’s system enabling the use of cookies means that you consent to the Administrator keeping the information referred to in art. 173 par. 2 of the Act of 16 July 2004 – Telecommunications Law.

The User’s device may also save cookies from websites of third parties, in particular: Facebook, Google, Twitter. Information on cookies from these websites can be found on websites belonging to these entities.

  1. Contact Form

On the Website there is a Contact Form allowing each User to send a message to the Administrator.

In order to use the Contact Form:

  • fill in the field “Subject of the message” and “Message content”, indicating the title and content of the message addressed to the Administrator;
  • fill in the “E-mail address” field, providing the e-mail address to which the Administrator’s reply will be sent;
  • consent to the Administrator processing personal data provided by the User, by selecting the box containing the relevant consent clause.

Every time, when using the Contact Form an email address is collected.

Providing an e-mail address will enable the Administrator to reply to the User’s message. Nevertheless, the User may provide additional information in the Contact Form such as: name, surname, telephone number, company name, and mailing address. Providing the above data is voluntary and depends on the will of the User.

  1. Profiling

The administrator performs the functions of obtaining information about Users and their behavior in the following way:

  • through voluntarily entered information on the contact form
  • by collecting cookies.

The data provided by the User are processed only in accordance with the purpose for which the User gave his consent.

A User who is a natural person, has the right to object to the profiling mechanism at all times. The Administrator declares that he has technical tools to enable the User being a natural person to express objections.

  1. Final provisions

The Administrator reserves the right to change the Privacy Policy, which may be affected by the development of Internet technology, possible changes to the law in the field of personal data protection. Users will be informed about any changes in a visible and understandable way.

If in doubt about any of the provisions of the Privacy Policy, please contact the Administrator, the addresses provided in the Privacy Policy.